Thursday, April 27, 2006

Know Thy Enemy

I fear the day my sister finds a boyfriend. Just like what she is already experiencing from me, I'd get less of her. Her boyfriend would be my enemy -- at least in terms of getting her attention, and if he makes her cry.

She said she likes Malaysian guys (from whatever interactions she has had with Malaysian scholars I believe).

Over dinner in hall with a bunch of nice wholesome Malaysian boys one evening last week, I picked one out and told him I'd like him to meet my sister. Sean's a really pleasant fellow. He's got this SNAG element. In a our group conversations, he seems to always be the most respectful one and he treats me with all seriousness (even at this half-joke). He is actually looking forward to meeting my sister. Hahaha! He is serious, but he isn't desperate. I like that about him.
Yes, I am possibly hastening the pace of my sister getting hitched into some relationship, but at least I know my enemy... (=


Anonymous said...

Haha, how can you that dat to your sister? Im sure she can find some nice guy herself la, haha hopefully local. :P
Anyway nice to know you're doing fine at NUS. Say hi to your sis for me. Take care.

Anonymous said...

What if you were born Malaysian but raised Singaporean? ;)

Whale said...

I didn't know this post would strike up some controversy. (=

I don't see where the made-in-malaysia-bred-in-singapore question leads.. enlighten me?

Hi skink.. I didn't know you were still coming by. Nice to hear from u!

Anonymous said...

"She said she likes Malaysian guys (from whatever interactions she has had with Malaysian scholars I believe)."

So would she like guys born Malaysian, bred Singaporean? Is it nature or nurture? (I know this is a really stupid question.)

Whale said...

Well, it's a mix of nature and nurture I guess. But there isn't much to nature anyway, besides the greater no. of pollutants (that could have affected foetal development) in Malaysia.

Both sister and I are Singaporeans, but bred by once-Malaysian Mum..

What do you think of us? Singaporean or Malaysian?