Sunday, February 11, 2007

Not on top of the world..

I'm feeling blue on a sad rainy Saturday night.

Maybe the first pangs of unpleasant feelings of being away from home are beginning to set in after a month here.

I usually love the rain back in Singapore, but it just seems so miserable when it rains here. The rainy season has come; we've had rain for the last 3 days consecutive. Can't-leave-home-without-an-umbrella kind of rain.

The food here never seem satisfying enough. They are no-kick foods.. Too oily, too tasteless, too salty, too American.. And American price too for really poor quality food. I don't like beef and that's what they seem to have in abundance here too.

I walked in to the International House cafetaria (all residents have to subscribe to the meal plan here). I had a look at the food and my stomach decided that not one of those earthy toned food could go down. It was the first time I couldn't eat. They had burritos from lunch today, mash potatoes from dinner yesterday, beef in tomatoey sauce, cold rice.. I don't know. Just not my day for food I guess. I don't usually complain.


Someone drop me a nice word from home? That can fill my stomach too.


ah choy said...

Hey Weiling! Cheer up girl! Hope you are doing fine besides the food issue...:) Hang in there...

Whale said...

Thanks, but who are you, ah choy? There are several choys in my life..

Anonymous said...

yo babe!!!! happy V day :) i'm missing you now
awww im glad you're having fun and finding all the quirks and not so quirky things about america... i'll be going snowboarding next week, having a ski week off from my school... call me soon!


ginunngagap said...

Don't lose so much weight.

Eat your greens.

Anonymous said...

Heya, hope ure going good in Berk. Not quite from home but haha at least someone you know FROM home. Well if you're sick with the food, cook some simple chinese dishes. Helps a lot. :)Or visit some decent chinese restaurant with friends. Drop me a msg if you need to talk. Take care!

Anonymous said...

Hi Weiling! This is Chris(the one that stays near you, tennis kaki!). I forgot that u went for SEP and i msg you for tennis the other day. It was only when u didnt reply when i remembered that u probably when for SEP already. Hope that other than the food, everything is fine there!
